Zeitgeist trend reading
What will your consumers want next, towards 2025/30?
Trends are no coincidence they are driven by the rhythm of the changing Zeitgeist. Bloom has been investigating the changing Zeitgeist, consumer trends and business opportunities since 2003.
Inzicht in Consumer trends vanuit de Tijdgeest
Trends are not magical or a coincidence, they are driven by the cycle of the changing Zeitgeist. Peter shows the model behind the trends, which is based on the Kondratieff cycle and the model of Carl Jung. He also makes a selection of the trends which are relevant for your domain and indicates your business opportunities.
This inspiring presentation gives you more control over the future and helps you to build a future-proof brand.
From Consumer trends to Food, Petfood, Finance trends, Personal Care trends and more
At your request we will translate our Zeitgeist insights into foresights your business, whether it’s Food, Petfood, Finance, Personal Care, Home Care, Retail or anything else.
Bloom won the Award for best Trend Implementation Agency
45 – 60 minutes: Zeitgeist trend presentation, full inspiring examples and funny videos
Option: After the presentation, we can discuss what these trends might mean for your business or your brand.
More information
06-18 55 24 37 (Peter Heshof)